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View Entry First & Middle Name(s) Last Name Date of Death / Notice / Obituary Collection Location Record # Volume #
View Entry Jasper, Infant of Griffith 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 26 48
View Entry Jasper, Infant of Smith 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 64 48
View Entry Joe B. Fields 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 114 48
View Entry John Bowman 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 18 48
View Entry John Evans 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 4 48
View Entry John Foster 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 34 48
View Entry John Justice 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 47 48
View Entry John Laxton 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 48 48
View Entry John H., Infant of Taylor 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 97 48
View Entry John L., Infant of Acres 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 59 48
View Entry John L., Infant of Silcox 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 115 48
View Entry John, Infant of Justice 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 62 & 67 48
View Entry Josie Richerson 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 103 48
View Entry Julie Henderson 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 77 48
View Entry Kizzy Vanderpool 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 15 48
View Entry Lela Owens 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 101 48
View Entry Lemual Carson 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 6 48
View Entry Lilie Marsum 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 9 48
View Entry Lincoln, Infant of York 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 31 48
View Entry Linda Hamblen 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 24 48
View Entry Loranzy Y. Cecil 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 78 48
View Entry Lucian Byrd 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 346 66-M
View Entry Luther Rosser 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 66 48
View Entry Mabel Owens 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 11 48
View Entry Margaritte Daniels 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 98 48
View Entry Marrian, Infant of Crowley 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 36 48
View Entry Marryett Phillips 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 76 48
View Entry Martha Byrd 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 90 48
View Entry Martha S. Crain 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 367 48
View Entry May D. Sexton 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 51 48
View Entry Maynard H. Keeton 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 99 48
View Entry Milton J. Holloway 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 14 48
View Entry Mirtle M. Goodman 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 46 48
View Entry O. E., Infant of Jeffers 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 81 48
View Entry Oda Smith 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 43 48
View Entry Ollie Owens 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 40 48
View Entry Oscar Burtram 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 37 & 38 48
View Entry Polly A. West 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 58 48
View Entry Posy York 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 5 48
View Entry Richard Slaven 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 56 48
View Entry Richard, Infant of Hughett 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 21 48
View Entry Robert, Infant of Risden 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 116 48
View Entry Robinson C. Cecil 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 45 48
View Entry Rubean Parker 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 82 48
View Entry Ruby Acres 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 86 48
View Entry Ruby Sexton 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 102 48
View Entry Sarah Bilbrey 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 61 48
View Entry Sarah J. Bass 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 92 48
View Entry Smith Coulter 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 28 48
View Entry Starling Cromley 1923 Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933 Scott 93 48
